5.20.14 ! There could be an AV when using multiple instances of the component. 5.20.13 + It's now possible to write unusual URL:s, like "oink://SaysTheSow". The condition is: a string of ascii chars followed by "://" is parsed as an URL. ! Pictures could be mixed up. ! Unicode chars in pivot tables could cause invalid files or wrong characters. ! Some properties in DataValidations where not written. 5.20.12 ! Sometimes when inserting rows where formulas not adjuset correct. ! Merged cells where not adjusted correct when deleting last col/row in a merged cell. 在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式挺讨厌的,一直搞不定,输出了文件之后,总会在系统中打开一个Excel,就算Quit也不行,一个程序中使用的多了,还不定搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。 使用之后发现这个东西真不错,简单好用。不管是读还是写均轻松搞定。 使用代码举例: http://blog.csdn.net/zengcong2013/article/details/18714417
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